Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Firefox 3.5: Pasts one million downloads, almost 100 per second!

Firefox 3.5 is shaping up to be one of the most successful Firefox releases to date. Its been reported that the fastest Firefox yet has already been download more than one million times (within a matter of hours and counting!) with downloads almost hitting 100 per second, that’s quite something.
So how does 1.3 million downloads in a few hours stack up against its rivals? Well, the most recent browser to offer a major upgrade was Safari, which claimed 11 million downloads in 3 days. But those numbers are tricky because Apple includes Safari updates in its regular OS X software updates, so pretty much all OS X users were at least asked to upgrade after its launch. Still, Apple claimed that of the 11 million, some 6 million were users on Windows machines. And Firefox also pings users to do auto-updates when a new version is available.

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